Tell Me More About A
Ben-Cher's Standard Poodle?"INTELLIGENT, SOUND,

Malachi 4:1-4
"Mr. Mel, CGC" |
Since 1995, we have specialized
in the finest of chocolate standard poodles
Brief Poodle History
"Caniche" is a term which used to identify those Standard Poodles dating back to the Middle Ages. The French name, Caniche, literally translates to "duck dog". This ancient retrieving competence still exists and is found in a Ben-Cher's Standard Poodle. |
One of the Standard Poodle's countries of origin is Germany. It is there that the name poodle got its start. The German word "Pudel" means to "splash in water", which again points to its natural tendencies to love the water. The original colors for the poodle were
chocolate, and black. Today, the poodle remains a versatile breed because of their sensitivity and trainability. Their natural retrieving instinct and "soft mouth" makes them ideal in retrieving a variety of objects. Our poodle puppies have been shipped throughout the US and are titled as
hunters, conformation champions and obedience. They are companion dogs,
Delta therapy dogs, and service dogs. Most certified with title of CGC
(Canine Good Citizen). Our dogs minister to the people who love them.
Click here to
e-mail us for current litter photos!
Or phone Cheryl Ann personally at 218.640.0815.